Looks fun, can i play? 8D I might be a little bit too ambitious with this one, but I tried to blend her into the story form the OP. [center]____________________________________________________[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Hiraga [b]Age:[/b] Ancient - The First One [b]Appearance:[/b] Hiraga is a shapeshifter, however her representing form is that of a blue tiger. [hider=pic] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/186/a/a/blue_tiger_by_krowzy-d3l27so.jpg[/img] [url=]SOURCE[/url] [/hider] [b]Nature:[/b]God [b]Personality:[/b] The guardian goddess is connected to Ceyr, it’s state directly affecting her mood. In general, she is nonconflicting and among the Gods can be considered neither good nor evil. She has no mercy however, and her judgement is always an eye for an eye. Should a mrotal decide to stripmine a mountain range and fall large forests to build machines of war, they will find their shipyards claimed for the seas by a tsunami and their factories swallowed by fissures caused by an earthquake. As such, she is the element of chaos in any god’s plans. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] Hiraga is the Nature’s guardian: If everything is well in Ceyr, her own powers are weakening, to the point of falling into slumber in what could be called a ‘golden age’. However if the Land suffers, the goddess’ wrath will rain upon those responsible in force unmatched. If the world would be nearing it’s end, she gains the power to to bring judgement day, purge the original world of all life and cause the souls to move either to Aett or Hades. Nobody dares to think what would happen to the World if she was slain, and no one is certain she can be. To her followers, she offers the gift of reincarnation, having the power to anchor their soul in the world in a new body. Those who choose to remain are brought back as Dryads, Treants and similar creatures that aid her watch the land. While she is not omniscient, she has the ability to glimpse the life of any given soul to pass judgement on it. As a spirit, Hiraga can appear in any form. Aside from her representative tiger, she has been seen posing as creatures of myths, from fairies to dragons. [b]Backstory:[/b] The first of the Ancient spirits, Hiraga looked upon the planet and her heart was filled with joy at the sight of the beautiful creation. She declared to forever guard it from destruction and her power was made one with the World. When her younger siblings started to war over the world, she struck against any and all who desecrated the world. As her anger grown, she struck the world and torn the continents apart, hoping the sea separating the warring factions would end the Nature’s torment, and for some time it worked. However the annoying mortals built ships and created traversing magics, making her effort a mere delay and inconvenience. As she tried to repair the damage the war was doing, she, unknown to her, contributed the most to the final cataclysm. As their creator died and two new planes appeared in existence while great damage was brought to Ceyr, so died a part of the Guardian. With the demise of their creator, Hiraga’s powers also decreased. Now unable to affect the world at large, she instead brought to light the druids, who aid the world in small doses, but in large number. [b]Connections:[/b] [i]Ancients[/i] When not actively interfering with the World, hiraga occasionaly seeks out the company of some of her brothers and sisters. She is only openly hostile to those who would instruct their followers to do something that would hurt Nature. Danives: She rather enjoys having her mind challenged by his riddles and approves of his lack of demands of the mortals, horrible people as they are. However, due to the assassins hardly taking more than one life at a time, she doesn’t consider Danives’ followers a real danger to Nature and leaves them be. Agimar: As a god, Hiraga doesn't interfere with the matters of Hades, but she sees that Agimar uses hsi power to create and destroy more or less equally, and thus doesn't have too bad of an opinion of him. [i]Upstarts[/i] The younger spirits are as unnoticeable to her as the mortals until they harm the world. She is familiar with them, but unlike her ancient siblings, Hiraga doesn’t actively seek their company, although she will not shy from them if they seek her. Dust: As this one was born of and lives in the areas of the world that she failed to protect, Hiraga feels slightly sorry for the spirit, and yet grateful for warding the areas others gave up on. [b]Religion:[/b] Druidism: A mix of religion and magic school, druids - people using the nature commanding magic - are the recipients of her power. As such, she has some followers in the faction of every other God, being her eyes and ears. [b]Nation:[/b] No nation is explicitly devoted to Hiraga, however she commands the creatures that bear the souls of reincarnated druids. While scattered all over the world and few in numbers, they are more powerful than the average mortal. [b]Other:[/b] Hiraga’s symbol is the last letter of any alphabet, a silent reminder that noone should upset her, or the world will be in peril.