[quote=@GodOfChaos] Izumi stared at the large building in the distance and then looked over at the girl who was looking behind them. That was a recipe for disaster. [color=orange]"Lets go! That thing will catch up to us!"[/color] Izumi took the lead and kept the girls hand in his. He didn't seem to realize it for whatever reason. The only thing running through his mind right now, was that he wanted to live long enough to say thank you to this girl when they got to safety. [/quote] Autumn felt the boy gran her hand once more and tug her after him as he ran. [color=gold]"B-But.." She started to protest, glancing behind them again. A bad mistake. She wasn't watching where she was putting her feet and her right foot got caught on a root sticking out of the soil and down to the ground she went, letting out a small cry on the decent as her hand was ripped out of the boys. She lay there for a few seconds, dazed before pushing herself up into a seated position. She hissed as a pain in her ankle made itself known. Already the skin was swelling and turning a nasty purple color. She tried to rise and put weight on it but it turned under her and back down she went, letting out a small cry.