"Oram, where did you learn to use bravado...?" Yai gave his Padawan a knowing smirk. His Master had an ego. Small one, but still! He loved bigging himself up, he had a reputation for it - but he'd only be that way when he could. In battles that he couldn't forsee an easy victory he was still that cold Jedi. "Well, Cronic. As soon as you're ready, the ship is leaving. I believe we'll be heading to Nar Shaddaa first. You and Aria were there, no? The Sith love working with criminal factions... One in particular seem to have been letting Imperials go into hiding. We're to investigate how deep this connection runs." Aria meanwhile was already on her way out the door. At the mention of the Smuggler's Moon she sighed in dread. "Damn it, I just got used to natural light again... And fresh air that doesn't harm you!" she glanced back at the others, tying her blood-red hair back into a flowing ponytail that stopped half way down her back. "Hey, kid? If you never been to Nar' before, your eyes are gonna have trouble with all the neon lights. They're everywhere!" Yai started taking calm, slow steps as he followed after Aria. So, they had quite a team already. The legend who defeated the Emperor, his aspiring blademaster of a Padawan, a Jedi commander in the making, and... an Aria.