Reyna had been helping to prep for the youth night all day. Most people didn't realize how much stress and dedication from being the church's leaders were. Pastor Robert Carlson had been going around town all day making deals with the carnival vendors to get a little deal for the kids attending tonight. His wife Priscilla had been busy cooking little snacks and making lemonades and punches alike. Reyna had been torn between the two; both helping her mother and going with her father when he needed her to put the extra puppy dog eyes. The turn out tonight seemed that their efforts were well worth spent. [h3] "Attention!" [/h3] the pastor called to the rowdy group of children ranging from 10-18. A few people remained talking, as Priscilla and Reyna joined the head of the house towards the center of the room. As attention drifted towards them, the room became more silent and Robert cleared his throat before starting his announcement. "Welcome to our 5th annual youth night carnival experience!" a few claps and cheers escaped before he continued, "We are so blessed tonight, we have had the highest amount of people attending tonight than we have ever had!" husband and wife grinned and Reyna copied them in enjoyment. Reyna enjoyed these type of nights, youth nights had been a cess pool of insults and hatred towards one another any other Friday night. "I'd like to inform you all that I have managed to get every single person here 5 free tickets! These tickets can be used for ride, foods, or games. That I will leave up to you." People started to talk again and the Pastor raised his hands, "Hey now, I'm not finished!" he said, with a little bit of a harsh tone to his voice. "Because of our attendance numbers tonight we had two volunteers tonight to help us out. We will be separating into smaller groups. 10 to 12 years olds will go with Mrs. Anne, go ahead and wave Anne!" the woman waved as the appropriate age kids started to move towards her, and she gave the appropriate number of tickets to each kid. "13 to 15 year olds will go with Mr. Erick over there, go ahead and wave to them as well Erick." he commented, and the kids followed the same suite. "For the 16-18 aged kids, I can assume you do not need any type of supervisor at the carnival but please stick with your group as much as you can, make sure everyone is included and having a good time.." he commented, looking around the room directly at some of the newer faces, Alver included. Handing a roll of tickets to Reyna, the pastor rattled on, "You guys can get your tickets from my daughter Reyna." a few snickers came from some of the older boys, and the man cleared his throat. "More importantly have fun tonight, and if you can- encourage a few new people to come to church to our Saturday and or our Sunday service." Priscilla piped up ending the announcement, "See you at the carnival!" As people dispersed, Robert and Priscilla began cleaning up the leftovers of food and any trash that been littered, before heading into the church to deal with some things before their own departure. Reyna stepped to the side as she started to hand out tickets to the people in her age group, [i]"Here you go."[/i] she stated every once in a while, a weak smile plastered on her face as she gave to some of the people who purposely made her life so badly. The church cleared out pretty fast, leaving about 10 people around her age in the church. Most people went by themselves when they got to be older, or they we're going tonight with their family.