Brenna was quiet, almost eerily so, when Lilly told her what she saw. "W-what should we do, Brenna?" Lilly looked to her partner, back at the officer, and back to Brenna again. She was thinking, planning, but Lilly was getting antsy. Brenna was no doubt trying to think up a plan that would let them attack and flee with as little danger as possible, but she was taking far too long. Back at the base, the officer was beginning to wind down and wrap up his briefing. They were running out of time! While she waited for her partner to make a move, Lilly crept back to the car so she could get a better look. The officer was folding up his map. They were out of time! This was their best chance! Lilly looked back at Brenna for confirmation. Upon receiving a nod, her shaking hands gripped her rifle tighter and lined up a shot. The officer and the scouts snapped to attention, saluting each other as Lilly took aim at the barrel. "I'm sorry..." *Crack* *CrackCrackCrackCrack* Lilly fired as fast as her rifle would allow her. The first shot went wide, but the second one punctured the barrel, leaking out a stream of ragnoline. The third shot missed again, and the fourth only caused another hole. Why?! Why wasn't it working!? If not for the speed of her shots, Lilly's rising panic would have made the fifth shot completely inaccurate, but luck had apparently blessed her with another boon. The fifth shot skipped off the edge creating a small spray of sparks - sparks that quickly ignited the ragnoline vapors and fuel. The officer and his scouts recoiled, first from the shock of being fired upon, then from the explosion breaking them apart. A brilliant blue fireball engulfed the trio and tore them apart from the pressure of the blast wave. Had Lilly stuck around to watch, she might have seen an arm or a leg go flying in a random direction, but she was far more interested in scrambling down an alley to safety. Brenna had apparently taken the opportunity that the explosion created to make a few pot shots, before running to the alley that Lilly entered via gaps between a few of the buildings. Lilly didn't have time to great her, and kept running. Behind them, the camp was getting organized again, with one of the tanks swiveling it's turret towards them and firing it's machinegun. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Lilly screeched in terror as she covered her head and rounded the corner, getting sprayed with dust and debris from the bullets hitting the wall just above her. All around her, she could hear footsteps: from the roof, from the alleys, from the houses. That explosion was loud enough that any imperial soldier in the vicinity was responding. As she followed Brenna, she frantically tried to reload her rifle. It was this distraction that nearly killed her. While Brenna had made it across a small intersecting alley with no problem, Lilly crashed head first into an imperial who had apparently been trying to get ahead and cut them off. How he knew where they were, she didn't know. She didn't have time to wonder, either, as this soldier was clearly not inexperienced. While they both tumbled to the ground, the other soldier was quick to seize the advantage, lunging at Lilly and pinning her to the ground. Lilly struggeled to free herself as she saw the man pull out a combat knife with practiced speed, and start to stab it towards her. *Crack* "...W-What?" The soldier's head exploded from a sniper round, spraying Lilly in blood and bits of flesh. She lay there in complete shock as to what happened, eyes wide as saucers. The whole process of falling, getting pinned, and nearly stabbed took less than five seconds, and she still had not processed what had just happened. Bringing a shaking hand up to her face, she wiped off her eyes and looked at her glove. It was covered in blood. "Oh..." A voice called out to her, calling her name, but it sounded distant and muffled. With shaking hands, Lilly pushed the body off of her and slowly got to her feet. A bullet bounced off of her thigh plate, and another wized by her ear. Over in the alley, she saw Brenna yelling at her and shooting at a group of imperials advancing up the alley. ... I should be moving... Lilly staggered the remaining few steps towards the alley as quickly as she could. A bullet grazed her back deeply as she did, drawing blood. "Oh... Something hit me..." Strangely, she didn't feel much in the way of pain. She picked up her rifle and followed Brenna as quickly as her disorientation would allow. Eventually her partner lead her into a house, clearly intending to use it as a shortcut, but what they found inside may have been even better. A fully armed and armoured Gallian shock trooper was scavenging through the cupboards of this house, no doubt looking for supplies. Had he heard the explosion? He must not have. Brenna, not being one for socializing pressed on, and Lilly was still in a state of shock, not being in much of a condition to talk. Still covered in blood, with a blank expression frozen on her face, she managed to speak a few words, though. "The explosion... We have to leave. ...Please come with us." With out saying anything else, she turned and followed Brenna, feeling something warm dripping down her back. Maybe she was wounded? It didn't hurt. It didn't matter. They had to leave. In her shocked state, she didn't even bother to check and see if the man was following them. She simply continued after her partner towards the outskirts of the town - towards their squad - towards salvation.