Finn hopped from his Belroch as they reached the smoldering village. He wondered what sort of monster had done this and then they made themselves known. Finn reached over his shoulder and drew his staff as the dog like monsters advanced on the party, baring their teeth, and flashing their wicked eyes. "I hope I'm not supposed to be scared. If this is what we're facing then we'll have saved Hieldran by tomorrow," he said as he aimed his staff at one of the creatures. The air around the gem at the top of his weapon chilled and suddenly...YELP! An icicle had materialized and launched itself at one of the monsters, impaling it and earning a sound of pain. He grinned, the feeling of the kill bringing him an excited joy. Though it was short lived. As he turned around to face another one of the beasts, he was tackled, and pinned to the ground by one of the fierce hellhounds. He struggled, trying to keep it's snapping jaws from closing on his face. Saliva dripped onto him, burning holes into his robes. He wrestled with the beast, trying to get it off of him to no avail. And he couldn't summon the concentration to use a gust of wind to blow the beast off of him. He was loathe to admit it, but he needed help.