The creature circling in front of Dorje pounced, and as it did, he swung his leg forward, catching it on the neck and using it's momentum to carry it up and over his head, where he swung his leg down, and the hound with it, into the ground with a thud, feeling it's windpipe collapse from the force, where it would suffocate. He felt an odd exhilaration, but forced himself to breathe easy as another leapt at him from the side. He pulled his bo staff up with his hands in the middle, and swung to the side, catching the creature in the ribs and deflecting it with his staff. It was much better to deflect a blow than to block one, he thought as the creature recovered just in time for Dorje to swing wide across the thing's face, channeling the strength of his people with him to break it's skull. He looked back at Nariah, who was making a proper fool of herself charging forward into more of them. He took three steps to fall in behind her, driving his shoulder into one approaching her from the side, breathing heavily now with a smirk on his face.