[img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/234/9/a/genkaku_and_the_armadillo_by_azuma_genkaku-d5c1fs0.png[/img] [b]Name: [/b] William Strass [b]Nickname: [/b] King And Pawn [b]Age: [/b] 24 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Guild: [/b] Corpse Heaven (Disbanded Guild) [b]Rank: [/b] Wizard Saint [b]Personality: [/b] William Strass is a man of rules. His rules are absolute, and he would never break one. He is polite. He is kind. He walks his dog. He buys candy for children. And yet he won't lose a night's sleep if he kills a person. But that's just his view on morality. The concept that he should kill only when he benefits, mostly through money. He would never kill just for fun, and keeps his hands clean for the most part. In short, he's completely sane. Just has odd morals. [b]History: [/b] Once upon a time, it was said there was a guild called Corpse Heaven. They operated as Bounty Hunters known for killing the target 100% of the time. The fact that such a guild existed was considered insane. A legal guild that only took jobs that involved murder? Many guilds didn't associate with Corpse Heaven for that reason. And yet, it still drew those who murdered under a common law. 1) Never kill unless you're paid. 2) If you must kill someone you aren't paid to kill, then you must attend the funeral and bring flowers. 3) If possible, fulfill any last request that does not endanger you or break any of the first two laws. But such a guild exists at a cost. That cost is the eventual uprising of others. A coalition of other guilds was formed by those concerned with Corpse Heaven's methods of taking such missions. They attacked Corpse Heaven, making it clear they intended to wipe the guild out. The guild survived, but public opinion was affected by the devastation of the battles. No one would associate with Corpse Heaven, and soon it's members disbanded. They often roam from town to town, taking up odd jobs and operating as hit men. Some seek other guilds to work with, but their former ties make it nearly impossible. William Strass was one of Corpse Heaven's members. His father was the founder of the Corpse Heaven guild, and William was one of the elite. He was one of the last to leave the guild for good. It was almost immediately afterwards that the Wizard Saints contacted him. [b]Magic: [/b] [i]Alpha and Omega Magic:[/i] Alpha and Omega is a type of contract magic. A contract made solely for one person. The user of this magic becomes Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Or in simple terms, Master and Slave. A second, unseen entity is created from user. This invisible entity is known as the Omega. The Omega is able to interact with the rest of the world, but is untouchable itself. Example. It can pick up a sword, but the sword blade won't cut the Omega, or it can just pass through the Omega if desired. Essentially, the Omega cannot be harmed. The Omega acts as the Alpha's spy, shield, and attack. It protects the Alpha, allows the Alpha to see what it sees, and can strike for the Alpha from a distance. The major weakness of Alpha and Omega magic is that the Omega is restricted to the physical limits of the Alpha. It can only run as fast as the Alpha can run, hit as hard as the Alpha, and is only as big as the Alpha. As a result, the Alpha must be physically fit. At it's core, the only way to affect the Omega, is to attack the Alpha. - The Alpha and Omega are able to switch places. It's almost akin to teleportation. - The Omega can cast magic for the Alpha, allowing even greater range. - The Alpha can only have on Omega. - The Omega and Alpha can overlap the same space, making it possible for the Omega to attack a target through the Alpha. [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Titan][i]Titan Magic[/i][/url] [b]Other:[/b]