Jack turned his gaze away from Fubuki. There would be more to say, but now was hardly the time. After all, they had only just met. Instead, Jack peered through the the limo's shaded window, observing the Rengo Rico streets. Crowded and busy even in the daytime hours, this city never stopped moving. He imagined what powers lurked behind the doors of the large and luxurious clubs and casinos: how many throats had to be cut for these men to stand on top of the world? The duelist, however, would be safe from the dangers of Rengo Rico politics, at least for now. Their host, the elusive Khan, had quite the reputation in these parts of the world. Jack needed to learn more. Jack could see the mansion drawing nearer and nearer, the had finally arrived. They called it a mansion, anyway. A palace. A grand home for a man of great wealth. Jack suspected he knew better. It was no mansion, but a castle. Nothing else would do for a man who surely thought himself to be a king. "It looks like we're here," he told Fubuki after a long silence. "Best gather up your things."