[h3]Vyper Bolt, 3rd floor[/h3] A masked member of the guild who appears as a black masked ninja pass the twin dragon slayers, he is using henge to camouflage himself, it is a martial art technique by the guild as he was practicing stealth and is sticking to the rooftop, he was doing his daily routine. As he passes, little does he known his job request paper dropped. The job request dropped on Sable's face. It is an S Class job. [hider=S Class job][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/062/d/f/akemi_s_wanted_poster_by_lordica-d5wu7ju.jpg[/img][/hider] A bounty reward: Wanted, girl stole dragon amulet. Reward is stated and it can be more according to your own terms. Mysteriously it has a sheet of paper which says; To Sable and Aiden. [h3]Master Jat Li[/h3] Using his telepathy he called unto Nathan; [b]"Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. I have summoned you please come to the S Class dojo. This instance."[/b] He said. [h3]Chan Jak Yi[/h3] His back broke after training with his grandson, he sat for a while. [b]"I'm getting older as the day passes.[/b] He laughed it even though it was painful. He drinks a cup of tea and offers his lovely grandson too. [b]"Your Father would be so proud of you, my little boy."[/b] He coughs, a straight point of demeanor that was strict to kind. He blows his tea and sips on it. He breathes heavily and coughing like as if he got some sickness but it isn't. He forgot what he was suppose to say though. Mostly because he feels tired and exhausted for training in a week straight with little breaks and sleep. [b]"One week you mean, Sai-boy. Get back because of Sable? Or you're just doing it for Chrome? You're one big pervert aren't ya? Jahahaahahahaahahaha!"[/b] He laughs but at the same time he was imagining Chrome's naked body. [b]"But then again. We're done with your training. I also want to see Chrome and her body--- I mean I wanna go back home too![/b] He just blew it.