Aiden- Current mood: Surprised, Relieved, and Curious Aiden was rather surprised by Sable's sudden actions, but it quickly gave way to joy and happiness. He quickly finished the fist bump, the air quickly returning to its regukar temperature. Aiden's eyes were normal as well, going from a dragon-like, icy blue to his normal, colorless grey. Suddenly, Aiden caught a scent on the wind, as his DS magic mixed and improved by his half-dragon blood had made Aiden's senses even greater than Sable's. He looked around, seeing nothing, when out of no where, a piece of paper landed on Sable's face. "What's that?"Aiden questioned, grabbing the paper and looking it over. He ignored the reward section, his eye locking on how this quest was of S-class rank. The air began to freeze again as Aiden excitement grew, almost doubly so when he saw that it was addressed to the two them specifcally. "Sable, this is amazing. This is onviously the work of the master's, testing us to see if we can qualify for S-rank. This could be awesome, plus," Aiden pushed the paper back in his friend's face. "Look, a lady crimanak for you to sweep of her feet. Come on, lets go get some supplies and book it to the destination, or it at least get some supplies." Revan- Lazy Social Mode Revan, who had been watching all of the other harpy's through his hydra's, gave a sigh as they all seemed to forget about the party at the king's palace today. The master had put him in of charge wrangling their rambunctious flock together if they seemed to not be heading in that direction. He made a series of short whistle noises, giving his hydras a mesdage that they would communicate to all of the harpy's in an exact replica of his voice. "Oi, in case any of you have forgotten we have a meeting today with the king at his palace, so get moving or else I'll have my hydras personally escort you. And not on their backs, but in the middle of a squirming ball of 'em, which I've heard is quiet unpleasant. Resistance to said escorting will result in me kicking your ass across the guild hall the following morning, so if you want to avoid such unpleasantness, get your asses moving." With that out of the way, Revan turn back to Caroline, giving his head a scratch as he yawned. "Okay Caroline, lets get a move in to tne castle before Master Ingrid turns iur asses into feathered pincushions for being late." With that said he began walking at a quick pace, which for Revan, was slightly faster than his regular shuffling tortoise walk.