When the dog denied her she pouted a little bit in her head, but she kept her cool. Strange though, being denied. Morgan wasn't used to that at all. Something she had to work on, for sure. She got up and walked to the nearest closet and pulled out a folded handmade quilt that Morgan made when she was younger. It was black and green, with her family name on it. She smiled at the sight of it and plopped back down on the lush couch and snuggled it, then draped the quilt over her. "At least that oak will burn all night, you should be warm." She said. Morgan wasn't really tired, but she didn't exactly want to bother an animal that she has no knowing of. She clicked on the TV to a random documentary, and began watching it. That was literally the entire reason she watched television in the first place; documentaries. She lusted for knowledge and wisdom...and more or less a strange addiction to history. However, about an hour into her program, the dog started shaking and moving sporadically. Morgan thought it was a dog dreaming at first, so she observed the dog, forgetting about what she was watching. Not ten minutes passed, before something she hadn't expected happened. [i]She....the dog....shifted...er...morphed into a human.[/i] "Wait....what?" Morgan thought to herself. She wasn't even scared, she was just utterly dumbstruck and confused about the whole thing. "An actual werewolf. Right here. In my home? This cannot by any stretch get any more strange." She said, furrowing her brow, trying to get a grasp on the situation, however futile that may be. I suppose it should be noted that she was more interested in where she came from and how werewolves come to be. Her moaning and groaning grew ever so more uncomfortable, and at times, it would sound like she was miserable. Morgan knew nightmares all too well. She wanted to comfort the girl..er..wolf..um..you get the picture, but nevertheless she couldn't do anything. Not really the kind of person to take action, y'know? After what seemed like hours, she morphed back into her wolf form and arose. Morgan wasted no time asking just what in the hell happened. "You, missy, have some questions to answer. I saw." Morgan said, lifting and eyebrow. She wasn't mad, but she wanted to meet the real CC...er whatever her name is.