Marie couldn't help but sigh this was going to be a hassle. One her impromptu partner ignored her introduction it seemed than he doesn't even want to give her the light of day either. Than as if to add insult to injury the suits of her once again impromptu targets had some meat to it as well than it seemed her partner was unsure on his gunpla which from her angle looked like the O. Quickly following the people to the back arena for the battle hopefully her partner would actually help her in battle if it came to it like she would. She grasped her gunpla tighter hopefully her repairs and small tweaks would be able to hold up in a heavy fight as this seemed to be. As she followed them she was thinking of ways she could possibly win this the gouf was a mixed ranged fighter by the looks of it and she could not get a solid grasp of how the gundam glansa would fight. She shook her head no plans survive first contact she reminded herself it would do no good to think up strategies now. The O fighter worried her somewhat both units had a better speed than the O so unless its armor was reinforced and the pilot knew how to operate the smaller arms properly things might not go well. speaking up she said "look I am sorry if you are mad that she stepped out of the battle but right now ignoring your new impromptu partner will not go well either lets at least try to work together to win this at least".