[quote=@Slendy] "Well Autumn you can call me Sieg for right now. I'd tell you my whole name but its very long and breath taking ao .......yeah." He scooted over and pat the seat next to him signalling her to come sit next to him."So Autumn what type of magic do you use?" After asking that question he took another sip of the coffee and grinned at the taste. [/quote] Autumn blinked in surprise. She was expecting Sieg to go about the rest of his day and she would fade into the background once again. But instead he threw her for a loop and invited her to sit down with him. She complied, taking a seat next to him and folding her hands neatly in her lap. [color=gold]"It's very nice to meet you Sieg."[/color] She replied. She blinked at his question. [color=gold]"Well, I can create things using my energy."[/color] To demonstrate she cupped her hands together and concentrated. A blue light began emanating from her palms and one could see the particles begin grouping together. Soon, she was holding a blue glowing cup identical to the one Sieg was holding. She held it out for him to examine. It was as solid as the real one though if he threw it to the floor it would break into small blue chunks that would fade away. [color=gold]"So what about you?"[/color]