Name: Tirarian Smooth-Tongue Race: Gnome Race Description: Short, curious, social. Average life-span: 60, Age of maturity: 10 Age: 28 Gender: Female Appearance: Sharp violet eyes (with the left being outlined by a cog tatoo) point out from under dark green eyebrows and unkempt, shoulder length hair (normally kept under a hat). 3' 2'' Tirarian is quite supple and can easily dance out of the way of most attacks, height, Lighter skin with cog tatoos down her spine and over her left eye Clothing/Armor: An oversized duster (for someone who is 3 foot 2) underneath is a typical outfit of padded cloth armour. She is laden by multiple satchels and belts with potions attatched. Atop her head is the stereotypical wide brimmed hat with a harpy feather and a small flute through it. Weapons: A very heavy crossbow that requires setting up on a stand for Tirrarian, that is even beyond the strength of a normal sized person to wield.(to fire properly she has to set it up) because of crossbow needing setting up she often uses a poisoned shortsword which acts like a bastard sword to her. A plethora of alchemical arrows, ranging from combustible, to poison cloud to 'deus ex machina' brand. The crossbow is kept on her back while the arrows line the inside of her jacket (hence why it is oversized). Several kinds of bombs strapped around her A collection of potions in her satchel Skills/Abilities: A strong alchemist and a talented tongue Sells her potions on a stand in Estermeres market by day, and gets free drinks from Pucket at the good old Jolly Hippogriff by playing her flute at the bar. This arrangement is on shaky ground, however, due to Pucket not making quite enough profit due to recent thefts. Known in the criminal underworld as being able to talk the team into and out of any situation Magic: Inventory: (I formatting this by having items on person listed, though she does have a collection of potions at her hideout. Also all in all she is quite weighed down, though Gnomes are tough little people and can carry more don’t expect her to run marathons) 750 Gold Coins (total, probably only carries 5 around max) 3 health potions 2 Energy vials 1 Clear sight vail An accompaniment of conveniently obvious potions I probably forgot Considerably rarer better potions back at base 2 cure-most antidote potions (works for basic poisons and alcohol, but for anything more she would have to create a different potion that would require her crafting it back at her lab) 1 ‘Apocalypse bringer’ satchel of explosives 3 grenades 2 incendiary grenades Set of dice Backstory: Gnomes in Daiar are generally Nomads, but at an early age Tirarian’s parents moved to Estermere, because of this Tirarian considers herself a Gnome only in appearance. Her father worked as an alchemist apprenticing Tirarian, and Tirarian’s mother worked as a seamstress before leaving the family and Estermere with a trader when Tirarian was 5. Tirarian’s father threw her out of the family household at the age of 10, as Tirarian was making wares to sell to criminals. Luckily the nice ‘Coin Rippers’, as the group is called, were there to give her another lab and housing arrangements in order for her to continue plying her trade for them, as well as picking up the occasional job by them Lately though he has been having second thoughts about working for criminals all her life, and after not turning up to her father’s funeral is thinking strongly about leaving town and leaving this life behind