A small knock on the frame drew Pearleane's attention to the boy standing there. [b]"Do y' mind if I sit?"[/b] He asked as a smile came on his face and his gaze went to the whiteboard. Pearleane smiled, looking to Dani, [i]"I don't mind if she doesn't"[/i] Pearleane chirped, as Dani nodded her consent deciding the final decision. Pearleane's full attention went back to Dani as she began scribbling on the white board again. [b]“I suppose that you could say that,”[/b] it read [b]“I was born mute.”[/b] Pearleane felt instantly upset about what she had commented. Her expression must have been apparent to Dani as the next thing she wrote on the board was the follow: [b] “Don’t feel bad. You didn’t know. And I’m okay with that,”[/b] Pearleane's lips pouted slightly, [i]"I'm still sorry for being rude."[/i] she admitted looking Dani into her bright eyes. [b]“So what are you guys most excited about?”[/b] Dani wrote next and Pearleane didn't wait for the boy to answer before speaking her mind. [i]"Cute guys!"[/i] Pearleane gushed with a laugh, [i]"Just kidding."[/i] she added, her eyebrows lowering a bit to seem serious. [i]"I guess I am excited to learn new things. I'm not the best at learning, but I try hard!"[/i] the young girl said, looking to the boy to answer Dani's question next. Whilst they waited, she pulled out the jelly beans from her purse and offered some to Dani.