[b]Aria Hunterblade[/b] After dragging Ivory away from the now resolved mess back to Kyuuten and Pyrrha, whom she found buying food from a shop, Aria heard one of Revan's hydras conveying his message to go to the king's palace. She hadn't forgotten that, and was just about to get moving as well. Releasing her grip on Ivory's arm, she glanced at the direction of the palace, and sighed. "Well, we better get moving. Wouldn't want to be late," she said matter-of-factly, turning her head back to her guildmates. "Let's go. If you're not following, then fine, meet you there," she continued, walking ahead, a noticeably irritable expression on her face. She was in a bad mood today, probably because of both Elyth's rant and Ivory's let's-kick-the-snakes'-butt attitude. She hated them going on about picking fights with the Vyper Bolt guild, and thought it was pointless. She would rather them not wasting their energy like that, and maybe socialize more with the other harpies. Aria was somehow caring that way. Even if she doesn't show it, she knew she cared for her guildmates, and knew they would follow after her.