Name: Marcus Frost Theme Song: (Optional) Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance: [hider][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/hider] Personality: Marcus is the type of person most people would describe as carefree and empty headed. He always seems to be able to get out of his responsibilities and would rather disappear and mediate or just relax in a tree somewhere in a hammock made from his wires. One of the few things that is able to hold his interest is a good looking person of the opposite gender and he can often be seen trying to impress them by showing off. He doesn't like to take anything seriously and never fights seriously either because he is actually afraid of what he can do when he uses his weapon and powers in combination and will only fight serious when he is sure that none of his friends are able to see him fight. Favourite Colour(s): Aqua Blue Favourite Food(s): Enjoys most types of seafood. Hobbies: Meditation, hitting on girls, having a good drink, being lazy. Weapons: A spool of wire that is held in a holster on the small of his back with connections to two gloves which house wheels that control the speed at which the wire can be spooled out. The wire is constantly being kept in a damp state so that Marcus could use his ice powers on the wires. His gloves have talons on the fingertips that allow for the wire to not become tangled and also helps with close combat if he has to fight up close. Powers/Abilities: Marcus has powers over water in his immediate area having the ability to solidify the liquid into ice that he is than able to use freely. He can bend the ice to his will allowing the ice to become his protection or it can be used as an offensive tool as well. He is skilled with the use of thin wire that can be released from his gloves and can be spread out to create webs for defense. Biography: Marcus was born into in a village hidden away in a mountain range where the power of ice is very common. Marcus grew up with a need to explore the rest of the world which was uncommon for the village as they did like to maintain their isolation hidden away in their village, but the real need for adventure came from his need to find warmer climates as he was never a fan of the cold in the mountains. He now travels around the land looking for a good adventure to join and some good looking females to chase after in the spare time. (The weapon is similar to the one of Akame Ga Kill called Cross Tail.)