I watched as the Minotaur turned into black goo and a portal appeared just right on the top of it. I looked at the other two, they were already knowing each other. I think I've been silent for too long, I think it is time to speak up. The boy with gold hair is Even, he is british since his last name was Caldwell and other one is Shiragami Noa, I'll call her Noa just to be short. She is obviously japanese like me but hey, no racism here, we're all the same. So I think we're all friends now since we did well on that "short" battle. "[b]Nice work guys! I am Chihaya Megumi, you can call me Megi if you want to since that is what people mostly call me so yeah call me Megi![/b]" I introduced myself as well since they introduced their selves. Ok I think it is time to leave now. "[b]See you on the other side![/b]" was my last words before entering my portal. [hider=Social Links]Chihaya of the Justice,Even of the Hanged Man,and Noa of the Death have formed a Rank 1 Social Link(Don't forget to add +20[because of double social link] EXP on your CS since we all made a rank 1 social link)[/hider] --- [center][b]Chihaya's House - Morning[/b][/center] The next time I waked up, I was lying on my bed. I looked at the time and it's 6:00 AM. "[b]WAAAAGGGHH! It's almost school day![/b]" I panicked and just rushed off my bed. Running down the stairs and my mom heard me running which made her angry. "[b]Hey no running! Chihaya![/b]". "[b]Sorry mom! I am on a rush![/b]" I replied to her while running. I ate my breakfast really fast and rushed to the bathroom to do my daily morning routine like taking a bath, brushing my teeth, and combing my hair. After those things, I will put on my school uniform and just left the house running like crazy because I will be late for school. As I arrived in my school still running, I rushed on to the bulletin board to know my class. Well, I have a habit to read everything so I will know who are my classmate,senpais and freshmen. So I took my time to read the whole bulletin board before proceeding to class. [hider=Classes] [b]1st Year[/b] N/A (because we don't have any 15-16 y.o characters XD) [b]2nd Year[/b] N/A [b]3rd Year[/b] Shiragami Noa Even Caldwell [b]4th Year[/b] Shiro Fukushima Katsuya Yanagi Chihaya Megumi (this is just to know who are classmates)[/hider] (You have a option not to attend class but you won't be suspended lol So feel free to explore the whole town during school day. Feel free to interact with my character for social link purposes if you want)