[center][img]http://cdn.superbwallpapers.com/wallpapers/fantasy/planets-and-galaxies-10872-1920x1200.jpg[/img] [b]Eldora Project: The Drifter's Demise[/b][/center] Alternate universes has become quite common since the discovery of Eldora Project. Although it was no secret knowledge that alternate universes exist in a different dimensional planes than that of where humans exist, the restriction of moving strictly in three dimension deemed them to perceive these multiverses almost quite impossible. But through the Drift, a device invented by a group of scientists, an individual is granted to plug in his consciousness, recalibrate the consciousness into a particular frequency, and then recreate a temporary vessel, an _avatar_, that meets a universe's requirements in order for him to traverse it in a relatively safe way. Ideally, the goal of Eldora Project is only to discover what lies in these universes, and use it to further improve human's way of living. But at some point in the project, things got a little shady. The knowledge of the project captured the attention of several underground personalities, and some even managed to acquire illegal and unevaluated Drifts. Huge syndicates started to reproduce the leaked Drifts and sold them at high prices in the black market. Due to the faulty products, some palpable issues started to arise. Some people who had managed to get their hands on the illegal Drifts started to experience problems. Majority of the number of affected individuals seem to have a notable change in their psychological states, most of them acquired psychological disorders ranging from clinical depression, insomnia, and certain personality issues (ocd, bipolar to mild cases of schizophrenia), after the use of the said devices. But some serious cases were reported that even physiological change occurred to a certain number of individuals. There are speculations spreading around the scientific community that the supposedly one-way function of the Drift has been voided, that a foreign element from the multiverse had managed to hijack these individuals mind and body. The creators of the Drift believes that these individuals' consciousness still exist somewhere in those dimensions, somehow trapped in their avatars, and the only way to save them is to send people to those alternate universes to retrieve them and put them back on their original bodies. But the process will not be so easy. The Drifters is a special team formed to handle cases of the misuse of illegal Drifts. Though what they do are not known publicly, they are neither a secret group. People only knew them by name. They basically track down people who owns unauthorized Drifts, and handle the problem before it gets out of hand. They also handle cases of individuals whose been 'hijacked', and get them fixed if possible. Rumors say that the team are also hijacked in some way, that the government grants them permission to do so however scientifically unethical it may seem. [center]***[/center] [hider=Levels of Affinity:] - Level I - no major changes in this level, usually the affected is having a mild case of insomnia. - Level II - some minor changes in psychological state, a few strange patterns in speaking or the way they act are observed. They still somehow manages to take control. - Level III - they are physically exhausted due to lack of sleep, and they tend to become unstable, having an outburst or feats of any kind. Having slight to no control at all. - Level IV - some minor changes in physique, they may have become thinner, or thicker, or taller, some may even got smaller. In some special cases, the affected may also change in a way they look a little older or younger than what they originally look like. Affected retains signs from Level III. - Level V - the affected is a completely different person without having any memories of their life before they used the Drift. A change in physique is expected (usually still human in form). - Level VI - signs from Level V is retained. But their bodies are somehow starting to form in a none human way (if it applies to their Hijacker). - Level VII - they are a completely different person, physical features are entirely different from before they used of the Drift (may be human in form or not depending on the hijacker). - Level VIII - signs from Level VII is retained. The affected can now project abilities beyond human capabilities. - Level IX - signs from Level VIII is retained. The affected is considered potentially hostile to a certain number of civillians. - Level X - signs from Level VIII is retained. The affected is considered as a potential threat to national safety.[/hider] [center]***[/center] Note: We're all playing as a member of the Drifters. Drifters has a Level II affinity with their Hijacker, which means they still have 70% of their original self, and 30% of the hijacker from a universe which may include some their abilities. The member is still in charge of the body, having the hijacker inside their head as a separate individual lending them their abilities whenever they require them to. This in contrast to the affected individuals who used illegal Drifts, since they are 100% hijacked, and have no control over their bodies (the hijacker is in control). [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Role: (Drifter/hijacked) Name of Hijacker: Level of Affinity: (for non-Drifter profiles) Universe: Ability/Power: Personality: Background: Other: [b]Rules[/b]: 1. Follow casual RP rules. Have at least 100 to 150 characters per post minimum. No one liners. 2. No godmode. 3. [b]SEND ME YOUR COMPLETE CS FIRST THROUGH PM.[/b] Wait for my approval before you post your character in the OOC. 4. Romance is okay, but keep it PG. Although I want to see more action here than romance to be honest. 5. Post once each day, or if not, just try to be active. Check the thread as often as you can, or say hi or whatever, just so we know you're still alive. 6. Others: As above, so below.