[quote=@supertinyking] Seeing the doubt, the fear...the pain, in his eyes....Well, there wasn't much of a choice for Bug, as his hand began to glow, and he took Mithia's hand in his own, as if for a hand shake... Slowly, this power crept over him, and Mithias felt himself change. His body began to break apart, into something different...A bat? No, two...three.....soon, Mithias's body was just a swarm of bats, flying around a soul, before reforming into himself, abit with larger fangs, a long tongue, and a thirst....A thirst... A thirst for blood. Healed, and empowered, Mithias felt like he could level armies, and crush metal armor in his hands....a newly created nature spirit, the first one in centuries....now, ready, for war. [/quote] Large, cute, black eyes, with a more bat-like face and long ears looked up at Bug in gratitude before bursting into a swarm of bats and spiraling up into the night air. The bloodthirsty cloud flew off with the wind, toward the cathedral, to Inquisitor Stein. [img]http://www.uhaul.com/supergraphics/states/missouri/bat/images/writeup/vampire.jpg[/img]