[b]Caroline[/b] Caroline stood up and brushed off her skirt, tucking her notebook into a shoulder bag. She clapped her hands once and nodded. "Let's head out!" She said, happy to get moving. Writing down equations all day didn't help her stay in shape, so sometimes it was good to just start walking. [b]Nathan[/b] Nathan nodded absently as he started moving to the S Class dojo. He knew the path by heart now, and let his feet move him without thinking about it, allowing him to focus on whatever else popped into his head. By the time he reached the doors, he was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he forgot to announce his presence and just walked right in. [b]Cynthia[/b] "I'm so late!" Cynthia yelled as she ran through the streets. It wasn't her fault her alarm hadn't gone off and she had overslept, but the guildmaster, or heaven forbid, her second, wouldn't accept that excuse. She decided to take a short cut overhead, and jumped in the air as she yelled "White Dragon Wings!", sprouting translucent white wings from her back. She flapped manically, trying to get all the speed she could, and in a second she could see the meeting place. Unfortunately, she hadn't thought of a landing strategy for flying this fast, and as she backflapped her wings she wasn't slowing down enough. By the time she reached the ground, she was still going to fast to catch her footing and tumbled head over heals across the pavement, coming to an incredibly dizzy stop upside down against a wall. "I'm here..." she moaned, trying to get the world to stand still.