[Center][u][b]G E A R S[/b][/u] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/327/e/8/e8f56d9fecc2b0a8ffddd7356676cc76-d33fxmd.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [b]GEARs is now open for new players![/b] GEARs is the story of the Arvaran people. A human-like race of many species of Anthropomorphic animals, they exist on the planet Arvara, a world with a hi-tech, scientific and rational culture. Their history as recorded only stretches back the last two hundred and fifty years, when they almost gained an almost overnight awareness of their history, but they were aware their culture and society was fully formed around them, complete with machinery and the apparatus of government, and even social support. This lead to further questions and chaos, as the questions around their own origins lead to the formation of various different groups overnight, as new ideas took root about how their society should be lead and governed, as well as many varying ideas of their species' origins came to the fore. These varying ideas and concepts lead to the formation of nations and power blocs, with the two largest - The Oppressive Varellis Empire in the North, and the Isolationist high-technology Southern Alliance. Sandwiched in between are the independent nations, trying to carve out their own existence from the world around them, and to survive as the world around them teeters ever closer to the brink of warfare. Amidst these political and social questions stand the technological warriors of the Arvaran militaries, and in particular of the Landren Defence Force, the largest of the Independent Nations. Strapped into their hi-tech bipedal combat machines, known as GEARs, they are the front-line of defence and discovery, and will be at the heart of the oncoming storm, when it inevitably breaks over the surface of Arvara, and sweeps everything along in it's path. It will be the GEAR pilots of the Roughriders, the 101st Tactical GEAR Unit of the LDF Landcruiser [I]Parvan's Claw[/i] who will have a hand in deciding the ultimate fate of the Arvaran people, and instrumental in discovering their origins and the fate of their creators. Their story will become an epic, and they will be regarded as heroes of their people - who stood against amazing odds, and terrible enemies, and rose from near obscurity. [i]You are the 101st, and this is your story...[/i] [u][b]Background[/b][/u] Please follow the links below to read the full background for GEARs. Your character will not be accepted if it is not accurate to the information contained in these docs. [i]I'll know.[/i] [u][b]Even if you are not playing a GEAR pilot (for some reason...) then it is important to read these docs, including the GEAR-tech one, as they all provide background info important to the setting!!!!![/b][/u] [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/psg7vubmz3t5j1k/Arvara%20geography%2C%20biology%2C%20culture.rtf]Info on Arvara, it's culture, nations and Arvaran Biology and Psychology.[/url] [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/dqo2k821wbjy25x/Technology.rtf]Information on the Technology of the Arvaran People[/url] [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ztbop2edrnjv2l/GEARs.rtf]Information on the GEAR, the defining piece of Arvaran technology and equipment.[/url] [hider=Game Rules] [LIST] [*]Don't be an ass to each other, be nice to your fellow players, and to the GM [*]Silverwind Blade is the GM. Other players are free to make suggestions and recommendations, but the GM has final say on all plot and rules related decisions [*]This game is an original work - it is inspired by other settings, but is not one of those settings. As such, the rules of BattleTech, Gundam, Etc, etc ad nauseum, are not necessarily applicable in this setting. [*]This game is a Real Robot setting, as opposed to a Super Robot one (i.e., more Gundam than Gurren Lagann), however there is no need to get into the deep, gritty mechanical details, especially if it gets in the way of fun. Enough detail has been laid out in the background documents as it is. If you want ultra-realistic mecha, then I suggest you go elsewhere. [*]This should go without saying (although you'd be surprised...): this is a sci-fi RPG, not a fantasy one. There is no magic, and no supernatural elements. You cannot play a vampire, were-creature, or wield magic of any kind. Your character has to fit the setting and the background. [*]You may play a character with any kind of personality you like; however don't be surprised when, if you choose to play an abrasive and unpleasant character, nobody likes your character much. [*]Characters must be part of the LDF (Landren Defence Force) as Landren and the exploits of the 101st Roughriders are the focus of the game and it's storyline. You may not play an enemy or villain character, or an independent or unaligned character. It's just too much book-keeping and jumping through plot-hoops to manage. Also, how and why would you have a GEAR, and receive any maintenance, spares and support? It'd be the equivalent of owning a fully armed F-16 and being a private citizen. [*]If you wish to have a side-plot or storyline related to your character's past, then PM the details to the GM - if I don't know about it, I can't work it in, and if it comes up in the middle of something else I've planned, I'll ignore it and move on; if I didn't know about it, then it's a disruption to whatever I've already planned. In other words: [b]If I don't know about it, it doesn't exist.[/b] This is the same for any other details as well. [*]Bearing this in mind, however, side-plots will not be allowed to take over the main thread or storyline. They'll be tied into it, tangentially or otherwise, as it goes along and when I see an appropriate opportunity to do so. Badgering me about your side-plot won't make it come up any sooner though, and I'll decide how to fit it in, with your input. [*]God-modders and power-gamers will be ejected from the game, with little to no warning. [*]As will anyone who argue at length why their character or GEAR should be allowed, even if it blatantly defies the setting, and the previously written background materials. It's good enough for everyone else. [*]Please don't randomly introduce new elements to a scene or plot without the GM's permission - this could range from enemies not mentioned in the description of a battle, to plot ideas or other elements that are your own invention. This could take control and direction of the story away completely from the GM's intention, and disrupt things considerably. If you have an idea, run it past the GM in a PM or in the OOC first - it might be able to be worked in. [*]Equally, any Mary-Sues/Marty-Stu's will be mercilessly stamped out of existence, and bought down to Earth with a crashing and humbling bump. Your character cannot be the best at everything, and win every fight they're in with no challenge. Even the best (and most interesting) mecha pilots in anime take hits and damage, and find their opponents hard to beat. If there's no challenge, then it's boring and pointless, and there's nothing to overcome. [*]On the other side of this argument, this does not need to be a gritty, miserable slog. A strong sense of adventure, heroism, fun and excitement are also part of this genre, and I play to get away from miserable things, not to have them rammed into my skull in my free time. Keep it balanced out; seriousness is the general tone, but there's moments of levity and joy too. [*]If you are going to be busy or away, please notify the GM and other players by PM or on the thread, so we can work around your character. If you intend to come back, then this can be covered. [*]If you wish to drop out, then please let someone know, so you can be written out, and so people aren't waiting for your post. It's just polite. If you do not post to say anything, you'll be considered to have dropped out of the game. [*]Please try to post at least once a week [b]in the IC[/b] to remain active in the game, or else you will be booted. If you're having trouble, let people know so things aren't dragging too much. If you do not post within a week and offer no explanation in the OOC or via PM to the GM of the game, then your character sheet will be removed and the game will move on. [/LIST] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Please use this sheet in this format. Remove all notes in Italics. Post the sheet in the characters tab when you've filled it in, and then notify it's awaiting approval in the OOC thread. Don't repost it once it's approved, just edit it. It avoids clutter. [u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Minimum 21[/i] [b]Species:[/b] [i]Mammal or Marsupial only[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]A picture or text description is fine.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]A short paragraph about their demeanour, behaviour and general outlook on life.[/i] [b]Personal History:[/b] [i]A short paragraph outlining how they got where they are.[/i] [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] [i]A short outline of their primary personal weaponry and any other important gear and items they carry. Remember that real-world weapons do not exist in this setting, and that your character is a pilot, not a one-man arsenal. Sensible military weapons only, not martial arts weapons. And no energy weapons.[/i] [b]Personal Theme:[/b] [i]Optional, but fun. A piece of music that you feel sums up something about your character.[/i] [/hider] [hider=GEAR Sheet] Remove all notes in italics, and when ready, post with your character sheet in the Characters tab, and note that it's awaiting approval in the OOC. Edit the original post, rather than reposting endless times. Also, note that GEARs are mass-production vehicles with military weapon-systems. Esoteric and exotic weapons are out of place for the setting, as are 'super robot' style GEARs. Multiples of existing GEARs posted are encouraged. [u][b]GEAR Sheet[/b][/u] [b]GEAR Name & Serial Number:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Role:[/b] [i]While all GEARs are multi-purpose, some have specific design characteristics that make them suitable for certain battlefield roles[/i] [b]Normal Loadout:[/b] [i]What your GEAR normally mounts, though weapons are interchangable. Max 4 primary weapons, not including built-in anti-infantry machine guns, one melee weapon, and any countermeasures.[/i][b]Other Systems & Equipment:[/b] [i]Anything such as field support equipment, like sensors, storage space, electronic warfare, combat engineering equipment, etc.[/i] [b]Other notes:[/b] [i]Info such as the background of the GEARs design and purpose, or history of the design in LDF service, as well as any personal info about the GEAR.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Active Characters & Players] Check the Characters Tab for most character info! Only those who haven't reposted their characters there are listed here. [LIST] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/255004]HopelessIncubus' Character[/url] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/281879]Cartwright's Character[/url] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10873-gears-mecha-sci-fi-with-anthro-characters-rp-in-a-detailed-story-driv/ooc?page=45#post-1583690]Shadowman215's Character[/url] [/list] [/hider] [hider=The Story So Far] This section sums up what has happened in the game so far. [u]Assembling the Team[/u] Silverwind and Captain Garrett put their plan into motion to assemble an unconventional warfare unit based around a GEAR squadron with Special Forces capabilites. The unit would also integrate a helicopter for support, and an infantry fireteam to maximise flexibility. The group would be based off of the landcruiser [i]Parvan's Claw,[/i] an odd-one-out ship of the LDF's land-fleet. Silverwind and the captain hand-picked the majority of the recruits for the unit, though politics are against them, along with many in 'the brass' who are resistant to the idea of change. Silverwind meets with his new recruits as they are sent to the ship, and together they undergo a difficult training exercise, designed to test the theories of the units' joint-arms approach. Despite a lot of surprises, including an artillery bombardment, the unit prevail and come through the test as a team, thanks to a lot of quick-thinking and resourcefulness. They deploy for a reconnaissance mission to the Badlands, though some personnel are reassigned after the training mission, leaving the unit with stripped-down numbers from their original group of personnel. [u]The Hostage Rescue[/u] En route to their patrol, the Roughriders and the [i]Claw[/i] are ordered to investigate a civilian supply convoy of Landcrawlers (large wheeled or tracked vehicles, smaller than the levitating Landcruisers) that has been attacked and hostages taken. The team reach the location, splitting up to investigate likely sites for a bandit hideout. The fireteam investigate the hulks of the Landcrawlers, and find survivors, as well as more info on the attackers. All too soon, the rest of the team, split up and under-numbers already, are attacked by surprisingly well-equipped and well-informed enemies. They lose two of their number during the brutal firefight at one location, before all converging on an abandoned mine. Some of the enemy are least are revealed to be of Imperial origin, and are engaged in a lethal, but short, firefight by the Roughriders, who take some damage to a number of their GEARs. Following the arrival of the rest of the unit, the fireteam press through the tunnels, outflanking the enemy after they are pinned down by the GEARs inside the mine itself. During this manoeuver, Aidan, the teams' medic, discovers that Captain Sprinstream (the leader of the Fireteam) is suffering from a serious illness she has kept to herself. The team rescue the hostages, and discover after debriefing them and the others, that the Imperial Princess was among their numbers, and is still unaccounted for. All information points to an infiltrating unit from the South. The Princess is known to be less in line with her fathers' domineering ideals, and has made overtones towards peace, or at least negotiations, in the past, and as such is a person of great interest to all parties. The Roughriders, making repairs as they go, head for the nearby town on the border of Landren and the Badlands with the intention of tracking her down. [u]Infiltrating the Town[/u] The unit split up and go incognito in the town, in an attempt to track down the enemy forces. They quickly realize the enemy are well ahead of them as they search for clues. Amidst the operation, Esailia (Captain Sprinstream) tracks down a source for medication for her condition. Unexpectedly, two members of the team - Mike and Aidan - meet an ally with a mysterious helper with a great deal of resources behind the scenes. She informs them of the princess' whereabouts. At the same time, Kuraiko and Ken track down the Northern strike team, who have holed up on the other side of the city, and are prepared to move out. Everything erupts at once, leaving the Roughriders running for cover until their GEARs arrive. The Imperials blaze a swathe of destruction through the town and its' militia, heading for the princess' location, forcing the Southerners to launch to defend themselves and escape - presumably with information they have recovered. The three-way battle turns messy, and many of the Roughriders - whose numbers are even more depleted by this time - take serious damage or have their GEARs outright destroyed in the battle. [/hider]