There may well be some chiding later for T'charrl, particularly over never getting in touch with them, but that could wait. Even Eslaria knew when to hold back her aggression, especially in the face of her son, and she would try not doing it before his friends. They must be awfully important to him given he'd always had trouble making friends of his own, so the last thing she wished to do was scare them off. That being said she was sure a little fright wouldn't deter them too much; scaring the Saiyans may even do some good, keep them in line. But that was later, for now he should be getting off to see Renthal for a check-up. "I would hardly say what you've done is stupid, T'charrl. And tell me... Do you honestly think that every adult here has never made poor choices before?" the Queen asked, smirking as she leaned down and whispered, "While I was still a princess I drank too much fermented juice, and the next day I woke up in another city-state with my friends, having no recollection of how I got there. So believe me, you've done nothing wrong." Let that be a tidbit on how to really mess up, though she hoped he wouldn't recreate her past. Waving off T'charrl she watched him slowly move to the door, cringing slightly when he nearly toppled over. The doctor wasn't anywhere near as intimidating as the Queen was, so Takeshi was actually looking forward to this. There was the little bit about getting their friend help too, that certainly made this a worthwhile trip. Moving to the side to let T'charrl through the doors he paled a bit when the guy nearly fell over, looking at him worriedly. Shu was quick to act, and the older boy hardly needed to be told twice to help. Nodding his head Takeshi moved over as well, getting an arm around T'charrl and straightening him out. Unfortunately for him there was a brief second when his arm brushed against the wings of his friend, causing his body to shudder slightly and break out in goosebumps. Hiding the disdain on his face quite well Takeshi smiled encouragingly, helping to get their friend moving back to the hallway. Behind them he heard L'esta give out directions, throwing a hand up appreciatively as they disappeared from view. "Your mom seemed pretty happy about you being home, I don't know what you were so worried for," he said, "Must be nice, huh? When do you think your dad's going to be around? I'd figure the guy is probably going to find out pretty soon, huh?" Vegeta had no idea why Viral was acting so unreasonable, running off as he was. Surely whatever his wish was couldn't be that bad, could it? He was in the same position as Yumi where he couldn't imagine Viral wishing for anything bad, and even if he tried they could stop him. It just had him so confused, he couldn't figure out what would be so embarrassing that the Beastman would rather run away than speak up; Viral never ran from anything, much less a simple conversation. Chasing after their friend Vegeta watched Viral land up ahead, cutting around a tree quickly to try and lose them. Following the same path he rounded the trunk at a high speed, frowning when he immediately noticed Viral was missing. Stopping hard in his tracks he looked around the area, trying to find any trace of the Beastman. It was possible that he had gone and hid behind a tree, there was no way he could have gotten all too far away. "Yumi...? Do you see him?" "No! Not yet!" Yumi called back, a little ways behind up in the trees. Neither of them could see Viral, this was true, but maybe she didn't need to. She had other ways of finding someone, like tracking their scent. As it just so happened she'd spent quite a lot of time with her friend as of late so sniffing him out shouldn't be all that difficult, even for someone still learning the ropes. Stopping on a nearby tree branch she squatted down, lifting up her head and closing her eyes as she took long-winded sniffs of the air. Almost immediately she could smell Viral, but actually pinpointing him was going to take a second. Turning her head slightly to try and guess where the smell was strongest she finally settled on the large tree, opening her eyes and looking at it curiously. Vegeta was on the ground and he didn't see Viral, meaning the only place the Beastman could have gone was up. Smirking Yumi jumped across the gap, landing on a lower branch before jumping up off of it to a higher point. Not seeing Viral on this side she edged her way around, finally spotting him not far off on another spot. "Found you! Told you we'd catch you!"