Before Sai could truly enjoy the return to the guild, the twin baby dragonslayers would make their greeting a warm one indeed. "Don't lose focus now. Here come your fans." Chan Jak commented with a stroke of his white beard, "Maybe I'll teach you precognition magic one day." The old master leapt from his grandson's side, landing upon a near by table with his legs crossed. Oh how Sairis loved when those chumps would come for him. Even with bruises and sore muscles, Sairis would never back down from a challenge. Sable burst through the door with glorious flames following behind him. "BRING IT, LIZARD FACE!" Sai sadistic smile formed, and fortification magic enhanced his body's natural durability. Sai just stood there whilst Sable's fist slammed into his cheek, pushing him back, feet digging into the hard wood but, Sai never faltered. Suddenly Aiden's voice came from the open front door. "OH LOOK! THE BABYSLAYER IS HERE TOO!" Sai reached up with his left hand to grab Sable by the wrist. "HERE I THINK YOU TOO NEED TO MEET! YOU BOTH GOT A LOT IN COMMON!" Using his might, Sai attempted to throw Sable above him and into Aiden and the attack. "YOU BOTH SUCK COMPARED TO ME!" Sairis initiated an entertaining backflip before getting his fighting stance. Oh he was ready to bring the pain.