[quote=@Wraithblade6] [quote=@supertinyking] Well, it was, until an apparent blast of blue energy slammed into Leeroy, sending him flying backwards. Near by, stood Tsubaki, who seemed to have a rather...devious plan, as she drags Leeroy away. "Hey, Kilroy...mind taking out the trash?" She asks, as Kilroy, the android, steps out, and appears before the scene of death, and destruction. "I've heard about your goals of destruction. I'm afraid I can't let you do that...." He says, looking at the two juggernauts who had pretty much decimated the team as so far. Walking forwards, he looked to Toguro, and saw him as the lesser threat....before turning to five, and tilting his head. "You're a robotic creature with a soul...no, shards of souls...pity, you're so misguided..." Kilroy says, before dashing forwards, with a plan. [/quote] All focus was on Number 5 and/or Tugoro, so it was the perfect opportunity. Undetected as was his trademark, a mist of black began silently coalescing directly behind Tsubake. "Redemption..." A very soft, deep, and dark, electrical voice sounded with him. The cyborg prophet of annihilation manifested in full lethal splendor, blades dawn, and with a satisfying flourish, drove both blades into either side of Tsubaki's ribs. "Is a LIE!" The red lights of the eyes of his skull shaped faceplate lit up with sadistic vigor as his victim fell before him. [/quote] Tsubaki lets out a gurgling groan, as she falls to her knees, black oil and red blood spewing from her sides....well, before she lets out a howling laugh. Springing to her feet, Tsubaki's robotic arm produced a blade, as she spins around, and tries to slash the man. "It'll take more than that, to stop my tech!" She says, as her wounds begin to seal, her body self repairing at a rapid rate..at least, for now. Kilroy noted this, but ignores it for now, as he still focuses on 5.