Silhainlé woke early that morning. He didn't sleep on a bed like the rest, he felt strange having his body off the ground like that. Instead he'd made himself a small, nest-like bed, his designated blanket and a sheeps wool rug carefully piled together to make a comfortable, warm sleeping space for him. He was one of the first to wake, many were still soundly asleep from their drunken stupor. He stretched his large legs out and yawned, shaking off the built up stiffness in his limbs. Resting on his haunches he took a moment to clean and scratch his ears, knowing he would need them in good condition for the journey ahead. Once he was satisfied he picked up his pack and gathered his things; he took the wool rug, his leather cuirass and pauldrons, along with anything else he would need on the mission. He dressed in his surcoat, greaves and vambraces, deciding that was enough to keep him safe for now. He quietly passed by the rest of the sleeping guardsmen and headed out into the town. Since living amongst humans he had come to love their markets. There was such a variety of pleasant smells and interesting sights. He was particularly fond of the farmer stalls, the fresh vegetables were truly a mouthwatering sight. As he weaved carefully past a few men carrying crates of goods he spied a pile of particularly tasty looking cabbages. Feeling hungry enough to spend some of his coin he lolloped over to the stall. Standing up a little straighter he bought himself a small, full cabbage and slipped it into his pack. Silhainlé continued on his way and soon arrived at the Westgate. There were few other White Guard members around, so he quietly moved over to sit by the wall of a building. He opened his back and peacefully munched on his cabbage, enjoying the fresh taste. It wasn't too long before more familiar faces began appearing. Once the White Guard began to gather he quietly sidled along beside them, still chewing on his cabbage. When Djonn was called away from the group Silhainlé did twist his ear in that direction. He listened in on what was being said, curious as to what exactly the details of this mission were.