[center][b]Sasha[/b][/center] Sasha stared at this woman, who really had no right coming in here and demanding that they call her Ma'am, miss or my lady. She stepped out from behind the bar and said [color=00aeef]"Sorry, I reserve those titles for people who deserve it, and for people I respect, but I'm happy to call you weirdo, or strange. It's really none of your business where the rest of our guild is, and nor is it any of you business to know when they will be back. As you haven't stated what you want with Phoenix Wing, I suggest you do so, or leave" [/color] The young mage didn't take her eyes off of the woman, and was alert for any signs of magic. She stepped up beside Lazarus and continued, [color=00aeef]"Beside the fact that you are outnumbered, I won't let anyone harm any of my friends, my guild mates, and I certainly won't let some uppity b-woman come in here and act like you have without a good enough reason"[/color] She looked about, then back to the woman, [color=00aeef]"I think you did do this, and I think the alarms and protective charms prevented you from doing more"[/color] She gave a smirk to the woman, moving slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. [center][b]Penny[/b][/center] Penny nodded, and as Karn dressed, she dismissed the flames, rising with soreness, but feeling better herself, [color=f7976a]"We should see if anyone needs our help"[/color] She said, looking over to Mayt, to Master Jamie, and just generally around the room. [color=f7976a]"This building will never be the same again" [/color] she said with a laugh