[color=crimson][i]Bah...[/i][/color] Carina let out a huff as the woman explained what she knew. Well, there was certainly no hiding now... However, something the woman said struck a chord with Carina and she quickly shifted, ignoring her nudity and glared at the woman. Ruddy fur turned into pale white skin, and dark red hair grew from the top of the wolf's head very rapidly. Before Morgan knew it, an adult female(human) was sitting before her completely nude. [color=crimson]"Wolf or human, I am me. You have already met the real me. NEVER say that the wolf part of me is not the real me because it is."[/color] She barked, metaphorically speaking, dark blue eyes shooting bullets through the woman's skull. Huffing, she got up from her position on the floor and meandered over to a near by recliner, sitting down with her legs crossed. [color=crimson]"Okay... So... You figured it out. You can't possibly blame me for trying. It's not like I meant for you to see that, whatever you saw."[/color] She explained in a matter-of-fact way, her nose turned up at the woman. Her face suddenly fell as she turned back to the woman, [color=crimson]"And I definitely don't bite humans."[/color] She narrowed her eyes for a moment before turning away again. [color=crimson][i]I would never become like HIM. Biting humans, turning them into... THIS.[/i][/color] It would take a lot for Carina to admit to being a monster, and it would take even more to convince her she wasn't one. [color=crimson]"Anyway..."[/color] Carina began, her eyes scanning the room absentmindedly, [color=crimson]"Now that I can talk freely, tell me your name. I can't keep calling you 'the woman' forever."[/color]