After she had shot her arrows, Trinity took a moment to touch the bottoms of her feet with two fingers, taking care to touch where she most distributes her weight. She expected a counter attack. A volley of flame was sent to seek her, and she knew her preparations were not wasted. She had placed Energy Make on her feet, to enhance her friction, and had made one more Ice Arrow, kept in her quiver. It didn't seem like they knew where she was, quite yet. She fires a few normal arrows, using Trick Shot to make them come at Grane from several angles, and not one single trajectory. She didn't doubt it would be long before she was found, anyway. Certainly if she stayed in one place, so Trinity leaped in through the hole in the floor, using her Ice Arrow to make a platform to land on. As she fell, she fired off Fire Arrows on several trajectories around the room, making them shoot wide before they'd come for Grane. When she landed, the Energy Make traction pads she made for her feet allow her to maneuver, and she used a small Energy Make defensive shield to steady the platform. She jumped off the platform to an outcropping of rock, from the water, where she would hide for a moment. If she could keep this guy confused on where she was, she could keep pelting him without having to be on the defensive constantly.