[quote=@kishin asura] [quote=@supertinyking] [quote=@kishin asura] [/quote] I portal in and see cosmos ".....I honestly don't want to know...." I say [/quote] The creature looks over at you, and tilts its head, most likely a bit of flesh hanging from its maw. "Squee?" It asks, as it skitters over to you, and looks you over, smelling you, and at one point, trying to lick your hand. Hanna, up in a tree, sorta gasps at what she is seeing, not being used to any of this. [/quote] "Uh...hi..." I say. Not sure how to react [/quote] ((I know your quote feels....)) The dark one turns to the blood seeker, teeth bared, as it leaps before him.... and it does something that would shock most. In a human voice, deep, and rather rumbling, as if speaking to a mountain, it states...one thing. "Put. Her. Down."