Morgan gulped as she glared right into her eyes, cold and lamenting. While the woman was very, very stunning, she was more interested in the whole, y'know, werewolf thing. Strange enough, the whole process of transformation absolutely fascinated. Even so, she couldn't help but stare at her figure for a few seconds, before the woman started to speak. "I-I know. I didn't mean to offend, honest." Morgan spoke, her voice slightly shaky. Was the woman predictable? Of course not, but regardless of that, Morgan was always was to push ones' boundaries. "Alright....thanks for letting me know, I guess." Morgan had no idea what to say, seeing as, well, she's a supernatural and a most likely very dangerous individual. "It was merely a joke, but i'll shut up." Morgan babbled out, trying not to stare at her nude form, but it was proving to be very difficult. "My name?" Morgan mused, "It's Morgan. Morgan Chambers. Now, if you would, please tell me yours. I don't think CC is your name, as adorable as that sounds." She answered. If anything, she wanted to see what the female was capable of. She knew that if the woman wanted to, she could definitely kill her, but for some reason, she trusted her. "....I don't plan on doing anything rash. You fascinate me. Also, please ignore my stares. You're quite fetching, if I do say so myself."