[center][img]http://zantetsuken.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ffxiv-scholar-arcanist-image.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Yakushi [b]Age: [/b] Ancient [b]Nature: [/b] Independant Harvester of Knowledge, Weaver of Intellect [/center] [hider=Backstory] As one of the first several spirits on Ceyr when it was created, Yakushi has always been separated from her kind and always been indulging in what the mortals have done, when not under the control of the spirits of course. She was sure to never be caught showing too much interest in the other race, by keeping to herself and practicing her own thing so when questioned she could easily counter them. Showing them her impressive skill of using the magical arts. But now after the death of the Golden Orb and in the current age, people know Yakushi as person, or whatever she is whether Mortal, Upstart or Ancient everyone knows that she is a powerful person in many ways. She is often known for her mass collection of knowledge in the world and knows about almost anything, whether its just from rumors or ancient texts she usually finds a way to verify facts from lies. She is generally told to be a helpful person to those who are able to find her but there have only been scattered reports about it in Ceyr, and is easily found by the mystical beast that follows her around which stands out like a sore thumb. It is easy to win her favor with the gifts of knowledge of any kind whether musical, artistic or anything else. Knowledge is the best way to win her over, but there are other more tricky ways to earn her favor, one which is to present rare items to her while another would be to give her animals of the same quality as the items. However, presenting fake items would indeed no doubt incite anger upon those who indeed try to trick her, causing her to simply at best give them a simple curse that would last for their life and leave. It is said that she has no permanent place in which she stays however often finds herself in forbidden, restricted and many other places that are often guarded and closed to the public. However if there is one thing that Yakushi is known for, it is her interest with the mortals that makes her an well known person.[/hider] [hider=Personality] Although not shy, Yakushi is generally perceived as so, as many people do not see her talk a lot or even at all. Its not that she is shy or reclusive, she is just more interested and watching how life goes it's natural flow while doing her own thing hoping people dont mind. It isn't often that you find her talking to people, and that is only when she finds the interesting. However she has a natural curiosity for things and easily is distracted by new things that peak her interest. [/hider] [hider=Skills and Abilities] Her interest with the mortals has taught her many skills that she has honed to a satisfactory level for Yakushi's standards in which she is happy with. Scientifically, her skills in medicine are advance as it is one of the areas of interest that she likes to indulge in due to the expansiveness that area has and all the possibilities there is to simply solve a problem. Herbology is also included with her knowledge of medicine as she has found out that sometimes these natural remedies are matter in fact better than the artificial things that medicine can produce sometimes. If we were to list all the skills that Yakushi knows it would take days, but we can simply assume that she is a very educated person both in skill and knowledge to be a doctor with the combined knowledge of an library. Outside her interest in the mortal world, her own personal skill that she proudly admits is that she has an impressive encyclopedic knowledge on about almost anything in general. More specific things will need more research and dedication to verify whether they are actual facts or simply nothing at all. Her interest in meddling around with the world has actually effect nations before when she given them tips to their enemies or a piece of knowledge that helped them advance, however she is only done this thrice which was when it was necessary. With her impressive amount of knowledge anything she generally likes to read and can remember anything with an acute accuracy, making her a very talented historian if it ever becomes needed. With her impressive mental forte she excels in the magical arts of many the many branches, however its obvious that she doesn't know all of them which have been kept hidden so well... [/hider] [hider=Connections] Most of the relationships she has with other Ancients and Upstarts are mostly one-sided due to Yasuki's own curiosity, so she knows at least a little bit of infomation on all the ancients in Ceyr. However even then some of these facts about them are obvious or vague about them. With her own resources she often can dig deeper into the identities of other ancients with some difficulty depending of their power and threat that they present. [b][i]Ancients[/i][/b] Danives: One of the gods that she is interested in, Yakushi is mostly intrigued by the fact that she often loses him due to his main power being able to turn invisible. Anything involved with him is interesting as it is enticing to see what incident will bring with him involved. The assassins that are the followers of Danives are no worries to her as she can overwhelm them with magic both by brute force and strategically as well. However its never bad to be cautious around him, so she usually remains discreet about her works about him. Agimar: An ancient that she knows, who she knows that holds some power in the nations that his followers are in, most of them are people who are in high positions that allow him to manipulate a nation to some degree. While his powers not interesting in any way particular, she notes that his offensive abilities are something to watch out in a fight. Besides that he is not that interesting in many ways, however when she encounters one of his followers she does interfere whenever they are doing their little schemes. Outside messing with his followers she doesn't interact much with Agimar. Hiraga: Hiraga someone she notes to be a person of interest, Yakushi has known her for a long time and it isn't hard to know at least a little bit of the first spirit to live on Ceyr. She knows that Hiraga grants her followers the gift of reincarnation, however into different bodies which may be a good as well as bad thing depending on the scenario. Some of those forms that Yakushi knows her followers reincarnate into are Dryads, Treants and similar creatures which helps aid Hiraga with the land. However outside generally knowledge about her, its best to not get in the way of her as she is an intimidating opponent if she ever becomes one. Rumors circulate about Hiraga's powers but she usually brushes them away til the proof shows up for her to verify them. [b][i]Upstarts[/i][/b] Dust: ...Dust is an interesting individual that Yakushi is currently looking into, however she is definetely interested in him. A creature born from the death and destruction of a now barren land. A creature made from such a violent past is sure to be interesting and not to mention the inherited abilities that Dust earned from his creation. It is more or less a one sided interest from her and she silently watches him with tabs used to keep track of him. [/hider] [hider=Other] The animal that follows her around, she calls it Caliburn a magical creature that she personally had created by questionable means. By being the one of its kind, Caliburn is a thing that people often do not see, as it is Yakushi's familiar as she is able to communicate to it and command it to do certain task. The creature has its white coat with its noticeable ruby colored gem that it has on its forehead. Its two tails follow behind it as Caliburn is capable of using magic, of most of commonly used branches of magic, however only to the most basic degree. The only exception is that Caliburn is skilled with the use of light magic, both normal and holy as it is able to fend off the undead with some difficulty and can give minor blessings to people. These blessings are a form of holy magic that can also be put into the healing branch as they aften heal or improve the condition of people. With this in mind, if one who knew the creature and it's abilities one could say it could be distantly related to the unicorn or some other pure magical beast. [/hider] (I'll just post this here to make it easy)