[b]Aiden-Current mood: Excitement and Confidence[/b] Aiden cursed as Sai tossed Sable his way, in the path of his attack. Luckily for Sable, Aiden's ascended frost bird was still in the air, and with a thought from Aiden, quickly intercepted the fire dragon slayerby grabbing on to his shoulders and moving him to the side. Aiden's attack just barely missed Sable, but it slammed dead on into his roar attack. The ice and snow melted with the impact, but the winds only fuelled the flames, causing the attack to double in size. Aiden, seeing this, quickly capitalized on the fact that Sai wouldn't be able to see him from the other side of this big ball of fire, quickly formed his hands into his clawed ice make stance. "Ice Make: Dragon Ascension, Fallen Grace, and Bones of the Ancients!" Aiden created more ice birds, including another one for him to ride, and gave them the intense chilling aura, before sending them towards, then around and above the fireball to attack Sai from the sides and above the attack. The final command would make the birds very volatile, and when they impact with the target, would cause a massive sp large spike of ice to form, trapping whoever's got inside of it. With Sai's over-confidence he'd probably let the birds hit him and then get trapped, making it the Dragon slayer's(but mostly Aiden's) win. Aiden walked from up high, feelling a bit drained from the attack as he didn't have any ice to eat and recharge himself. Oh well, he was sure that he had finally gotten the over confident braggert this time, what coukd go wrong. [b]Revan-Lazy Social mode[/b] Revan stopped his slightly above shuffling walk to stare at the yound dragon slayer that had just crash landed. Giving a sigh, then a whistle, causing his hydras to quickly right the girl so that she was standing on her feet, and then set her next to Carol as they started for the castle. "Good Morning Cynthia, nice of you to join us this fine afternoon. Too bad you weren't here, I think you missed a chance to meet your fellow dragon slayers. I don't think you have met thrm yet, have you." Revan went back to his walk, soon giving up and falling over backwards with a whistle, only to be caught by his hydras, who had formed into a chair again. "I think that'sthe farthest I've walked outside of a mission or training in a long time. A new record, so to speak."