Daniel Parton: Nodding to Arran's question. "Everything but the coffee. I needed to put on a new pot." Another order was in the window. "Please excuse me." He headed back and continued moving and taking orders. He wasn't the only one on the job, but the influx of people meant that they were all busy. He greeted people as they walked in and talked with s few of the regulars where he could. Sometimes he wished that the deli wasn't located in such a busy area. But of the flip side if it weren't then it could be boring and would not be nearly as fun and he wouldn't get the same amount of hours. For sure there were days where he'd rather stay home and kill time. He'd gone back to watch the old episodes of Sailor Moon. That was his usual MO. Watching things way after other had seen them. There were a few current shows he kept up with but most he just missed completely.