"Yes. Mine is yew and kelpie hair." Caelum did not know exactly what a [i]kelpie [/i]was yet. She hoped to find out soon in her classes. She studied her wand closely, looking for a seam in the wood where the various hair might have been inserted. "Perhaps they use magic to put the hair inside." She concluded, finding no imperfections in the polished wood. "Otherwise I would say they use a lathe to shape the wood... but they might use magic instead!" She frowned. "To be honest... I find it difficult to tell what is magic and what is not. I mean... there must be magic on this train, or is it really just a steam engine? Everything looks more [i]old fashioned[/i] than [i]magical[/i]." She blushed and looked back to her wand, perhaps she was being impatient. "How do you do it? You wave it?" She carefully traced her own wand through the air experimental. No sound nor spark emitted. "Am I doing it right?"