[color=92278f]"My business?"[/color] the woman questioned sarcastically before chuckling. A surprisingly evil grin formed on her face. [color=92278f]"That's right. I imagine you wouldn't know about it, or if you did it probably wouldn't matter too much. But try to think for a moment... What would a stranger showing up at a [I]Dark Guild[/I] be intending to do?"[/color] She stood upright, looking over at Amelia. [color=92278f]"That's right, sweetie. I've heard some rumors and even seen for myself. Perhaps Phoenix Wing itself isn't a Dark Guild..."[/color] Now her eyes shifted towards the adults. [color=92278f]"But what else would you call a guild that has Dark Mages in it's midst?"[/color] She paused a moment to let that sink in before approaching one of the tables that wasn't destroyed and sitting in an adjacent chair. [color=92278f]"I came here looking for such villains. I'm going to guess you all didn't know about this beforehand... and I thought guilds were supposed to be a place of friendship and all that crap."[/color] She lifted one of her hands up toward her neck, un-buttoning her purple cloak and hanging it across the back of the chair. Her rather revealing attire was now exposed. [color=92278f]"You're probably going to give me the whole 'you must be mistaken because blah blah blah' but you probably don't have any evidence more concrete than what I've seen with my own eyes."[/color] Her expression was dead serious now as she looked over at the group. [color=92278f]"So you see... I'm here to kill a few Dark Mages you've been harboring."[/color] Her eyes widened suddenly as if she had an epiphany. [color=92278f]"Wait a minute..."[/color] She narrowed her eyes as she thought. [color=92278f]"Maybe... you guys didn't even know about that? Ah, yes. It's possible you didn't even know about your Dark Mages. I'd believe that seeing how stupid and..."[/color] She glared specifically at Lazarus now. [color=92278f]"Trusting... you are. If that's the case I can probably tell you the traitors among you. But only if you ask nicely."[/color]