[quote=@ScarlettWaters16] Shane smiles and nods and gently grabs Autumn's hand again, helping her toward the cafeteria. He would roll his wheels slowly, worried that if he went too fast, she could stumble and fall and get hurt. He didn't want that to happen. He smiles up at her, though he knows that she cannot seem him. "How are you today Autumn?" he asks. [/quote] Autumn felt Shane tug her hand and she obediently followed in that direction, letting him guild her. She could have managed to make it to the cafeteria on her own but she let him help her, knowing that since everyone was moving together she would bump into people and trip over them. So she let Shane be her eyes as they slowly made their way down the hall towards where their breakfast was waiting for them. Autumn smiled in the direction she hears Shane's voice coming from. [color=gold]"I'm doing good today. What about yourself?"[/color] She paused before asking a question. [color=gold]"Shane, what does CeCe look like?"[/color] She inquired.