[quote=@Kiri] I haven't talked to Spades about it- but I'll check in with them later. At first I'd have preferred we just keep it as an illusion- but I really really like Mimi's limb displacement thing. Which makes me want to add abilities? But nothing too op, you know what I mean? Idk. I honestly need to check in with Spades. Honestly I think they'll be okay as long as you guys aren't, like, avoiding death through these added abilities. For example like Mitch escaping detection/harm because he's in ghost mode? Like thats op for me. So abilities in moderation? How does that sound? And so we're all on the same page you can all add an "Abilities" section to your Cs's for Spades and I to approve- But wait until I get the OK from them before you do anything :U Btw working on my post guys [img]http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/8/6/18/anigif_enhanced-buzz-7779-1375829274-16.gif[/img] [/quote] Sounds perfectly fair. I was thinking that maybe Mitch would only be able to make physical contact in attack situations? For example, he wouldn't be able to touch someone to, say, shake their hand, but maybe any action in anger would make contact? I don't know. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Also, I don't know if you guys are RT people, but Monty Oum, creator of RWBY, Dead Fantasy, and part of the production of Red VS Blue, passed away yesterday. It's a hard time for many thousands of people, including myself. So today was a sad day, since we only found out today. But yeah. I felt like that should be mentioned. Even if you didn't know him, he was an incredibly creative person and a huge loss to the world. He was 33. Sorry for bringing down the mood, but I feel like it needs to be mentioned.