The others were coming to now and she placed a hand over her mouth to stop from crying. They were alive but they were different. Miriam had called out to her but before she could reply Abie had offered to help find her leg... Find her [i]leg[/i]. This was insanity- and were those cat ears that she saw on Abie's head? No, no- she was wearing cat ears at the party- christ they just moved. What was going on... [b]"Hey- where's Myles?"[/b] Sav turned her teary eyes to look at Homer, "I have no i-" she stepped back and stared at him. More specifically she stared at his head and the lack of a neck under it. She babbled at first, forgetting her knee as she stepped away from the tree. Shakily she raised a hand and pointed at his neck, "Homer..." She breathed, finally. His head was... Detached from his body. But how was that possible- how was he not dead. How were any of them not dead?! Or... Or perhaps they all were. Or at least high. But that couldn't be possible. Then again she didn't exactly like the alternative, either. The restless bird of panic began to stir in her chest. _____ The boy with the blanket about his shoulders watched them from the safety of the brambles for a moment, undetected and unsure. He noted that their group was, at the moment, disoriented- which he understood and sympathized with. They looked pretty beaten up, too. "But of all the places to land.." He mumbled to himself as he looked about wearily. If his memory served him right the hemlock grove was home to- Just then on the opposite side of the clearing a warning howling pierced through the fog. The boy stood from his hiding place and screamed, "RUN- RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!" He hadn't even finished his warning when the brambles on the opposite side of the clearing exploded. A pack of hounds bounded into the clearing- seemingly stitched and patched in different tones of color. They were massive dogs- sized more like wolves. They paused and snarled at the group, exposing literal needle teeth, jammed crudely through their muzzles and trailing thread, giving the appearance of whiskers. With a quick motion he produced from his belt a slingshot and began to shoot at the hounds. One was shot straight through the skull- strings of red fabric shooting out of the back of its head. It screeched in pain before falling dead. Enraged the others bounded over their fallen brother and ran at the rest of the group, blinded with bloodlust.