T’charrl didn’t think he could walk by himself quite yet but didn’t like the fact that he was making Takeshi feel uncomfortable. Maybe there was a way to save him some of the grief of having to touch him by asking L’esta to help him along, but the Captain was probably not going to come with them just to relieve Takeshi. He really did feel bad for putting Takeshi through all this nonsense with him when it could easily be prevented just by learning how to walk properly. He would soon get it but he still had balance issues and maybe the doctor could give him a cane to walk with instead. He needed to get his mind set on being normal and not the freakish creature he was before. He was so mad at himself for being stuck in that ‘slumping beast’ mentality for so long. Staring down at the floor as he walked he let out a sigh before realising Takeshi asked him a question, his eyes turning to him quickly, “Huh? Uhh no, they should be here”, he spoke up, giving a little smile, “Yumi found me with Shu first and your other friend helped with setting up our communications. They should dine with my mother and father”. Truth was T’charrl didn’t know about their other friend, especially when he was such a reclusive. Maybe it would be okay if he had to come with the others, but if he didn’t want to then it would be okay for him to skip out. Feeling a little concerned over the possible outcome he lowered his head again, his eyes soon turning to Haku when he asked a question, giving him a little smile back. “You could try and contact the others and ask if they want to come over. I hope they say yes…” Viral didn’t want to be caught, especially when they were still determined to get him to talk. He didn’t want to and he couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t leave it alone, only hoping all this chasing would wear them down before they could try and catch him. If he made them so fed up that they would get moody and forget he said anything about a wish then that would be fine by him. Leaping out of the tree he took quite a large leap, landing straight in some shrubs and immediately setting off again. She was certainly persistent unlike Vegeta who was quite happy to let her jump around after him. Not wanting to let her get the best of him he kept down low, getting down onto all fours eventually before twisting himself underneath a large shrub. He wasn’t willing to make himself completely obvious this time and hoped he could mask himself a bit better in the dense shrubs. He could see her from his position but did wonder if she could be able to see him, but of course with eyes like his she would have no chance of escaping his vision.