[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7qdSOz6.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Varavana, the Creature of Peace [b]Age:[/b] Upstart [b]Nature:[/b] Independent, Hero to Mortals [hider=Personality][b]Personality:[/b] Varavana brims with wisdom and compassion which belays his years as a child of the Golden One. He is greatly concerned with the fates of 'mortals', and in turn is incredibly eager when it comes to engaging with them - he has a problem turning down the opportunity to help someone in need, and may find himself being taken advantage of due to his naivete when it comes to mortal individuals and societies. He knows little, and cares little, for the affairs of gods but will not turn down the opportunity to talk with one of his siblings. This, however, may end up grating for the other individual, as he is rather...idealistic, to say the least.[/hider] [hider=Skills and Abilities][b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] The physical being of Varavana is nothing more than an amorphous mass at the end of the day, 'preprogrammed' to replicate the shape and body non-spirit entities to a T. Oddly enough, Varavana may not 'copy' the appearance of any individual, appearing rather distinct no matter what creature he chooses to replicate. The current limitations on this ability lays in the size of the creature Varavana is attempting to shapeshift into, unable to become something like a fully sized dragon but easily capable of changing into a yeti or an ogre. For the most part, Varavana utilises this ability by mixing and matching, generally taking the appearance of a humanoid chimera of some description. His default 'mode' is something between a human and other mortal races with various other variables thrown in. Varavana is highly empathic towards mortal races and creatures, radiating an unnatural charisma which, while not driving them to follow him on instinct, certainly makes it easier for him to talk with them. Non-sapient creatures rarely take issue with Varavana. Beyond his abilities as an Upstart, Varavana is exceptionally talented in agricultural matters, and knows how to get the most out of the land in any environment.[/hider] [hider=Backstory][b]Backstory:[/b] Varavana is an entity born from the mud of the most fertile land on the three worlds, so the rather recent gossip goes. Another rumour claims that the young god is all that remains of a now dead, most-ancient solar deity, a perfect yet changing mass hatched from the old spirits corpse. Whatever the truth may be, Varavana could not say, for his memories are even younger than he is. His first memories are vague and feral, but over time become more clear - what he does know is that he spent his first years with no mortal interaction, only surrounded by animals, before he was come upon by a farmers son. Upon instinct he took the shape of the mortal boy, a human, and gained the mind of mortals. In the instant, he knew his name - Varavana - but that was all. He was taken in by the boys family, raised as one of their own. It did not take too long for the parents to notice that while their birth son grew, Varavana remained the same. He too noticed this, coming to realise that his calling was elsewhere. He has since started travelling the world of Ceyr, and word has spread of him over the past twenty years, of the seemingly eternal youth who aids villages and towns in their time of need. He does not do this by direct intervention most of the time, but by helping the people help themselves, teaching ways to better live off the land and how to engage in healthy exchanges with local wildlife. It is safe to say that where Varavana, the need for deities is reduced - if only somewhat -, something which few may not approve of... [/hider] [hider=Connections][b]Connections:[/b] [i]Ancients[/i] In Varavana's humble opinion, they are too steeped in their own antiquity. They are growing to be largely unnecessary, clinging to a past which they themselves lost. Not that he would ever let this view translate over to his interactions with them, that would be just rude. [b]Hiraga:[/b] She-Most-Ancient whom Varavana has an unending amount of respect for, despite their lack of interaction. Varavana's approach is similar to Hiraga's, but he has mortals as the primary focus, as well as being more concerned with individuals. [b]Danives:[/b] Varavana feels he should be opposed to the shadowy ancient, but cannot bring himself to be anything other than neutral towards him. His actions are never grevious, always slight - and his followers are too few in number to really call him a negative impact on Ceyr. As such, Varavana can only really offer a shrug. [b]Voana:[/b] Varavana has little to no knowledge of Voana, rarely interacting with warriors beyond stopping battles. From what he does know, it sounds like they would not get along. [b]Agimar:[/b] Varavana feels a slight hint of pity for the creator, but he cannot agree with what he would unleash upon the worlds, should he find a way to make his contraptions live. Were this to happen, Varavana would surely oppose Agimar's creations. [i]Upstarts[/i] The true brothers and sisters of Varavana, the 'new gods' as it were. He finds himself to be far more agreeable with them than any of the Ancients (minus maybe Yakushi). [b]Dust:[/b] Varavana likes the odd isolated spirit. Although he may not appreciate Varavana's optimism and conversational manner, the young upstart none the less appreciates any help he can get from Dust when traversing the wastes. [b]Itone:[/b] He views Voana's wife much in the same light. [b]Gaon Latze:[/b] What can Varavana say? Guy likes to fish. That's fine by him. [/hider] [b]Religion:[/b] None. Has a small 'following' in the scholarly sense, keeping track of his movements. It is very likely that Varavana could find himself with a religion in a few years time. [b]Nation:[/b] N/A [b]Other:[/b] Among the youngest, yet one of the more well known, Upstarts. His habits of travelling and aiding others have launched him into popularity.