Bristlebane frowned, he was going to try to climb over after that but... he didn't really have a death wish right now unlike some people so he yelled up, "Hey Person! Mind opening the gate? We got a beastie trying to eat us and I don't really want to be here when it arrives." Bristlebane talked back irritably to the man that had just shown up, "Yah we noticed, dark and mysterious up there WON'T LET US IN!" the last part directed at the strange man up in the castle. He looked worriedly at the Chimera the thing was awfully big and worse yet awfully fast. Perhaps the other people hadn't realized it yet, but any attempt to fight the Chimera would end in a pointless death. If worst came to worst and the gates didn't open, the only thing they could do was distract it by splitting up and hope that it would spend to much time wondering which one to eat so that they could get away.