[quote=@SallyJohnson02] Wildflower glanced impatiently at Ulfang, then at the rest of her followers. "Fang...I sounded a little demanding back there huh? I guess I just wanted Shadow to get the memo, you know? He got kicked out of the pack for hunting badly a while back." Wildflower picked up her pace, hoping the others would do the same. "And sometimes, I just want to be in control." She tested the air, waiting for a response from Ulfang. Maybe he would understand a bit more than the others. He always seemed a little neutral to her. [/quote] "I was kicked out because I used to be so reckless that I got someone else hurt, even killed. But I've calmed down a bit since I left. Ruka even offered to let me back in," Shadow said. "I'm actually a skilled hunter. My sister and I used to hunt like that. Ambush tactics are very effective." He looked at Wildflower as he said this, trying to hide his sadness at having to mention his sister.