[i][b]Moirah (NPC)[/b][/i] "A Penguin? Where... What?" Moirah turned toward the window, pressing her glasses closer to her eyes. When he continued to speak, she glanced back toward him suspiciously, but didn't ask about the penguin any more... He was speaking of more important matters. "All the death eaters were Slytherin. Is that a coincidence? Everyone knows that in the Battle of Hogwarts they needed to lock up the Slytherin students because they tried to help You-Know-Who and could not be trusted! They nearly dissolved the house entirely after that! We have not had any profoundly evil wizards like back then... but if we do, mark my words, they will be Slytherin!" Moirah looked up as a new girl entered the scene. She scooted over a few seats to make room for the girl. "Come on in! You can help me talk some sense into these men!" She was grinning from ear to ear, looking between the newer girl and the two boys. "MOIRAH here!"