At first, Janius didn't even realise where Sabine had wandered off to. He held his head up over the heads of the crowd and scanned the room until he spotted Sabine with a group of teenagers. "Will do, alpha," Janius responded. Though, Sabine didn't seem afraid in her position. It Janius' eyes weren't deceiving him, she was actually showing a smile every now and then. Maybe she was making some friends? Janius decided to get to know Oswall a bit better, asking of his own exploits. In his age, the Nord had experience, and many stories to tell. Janius hardly got in a word the entire time. Before leaving with Meesei, Jerrick gave Vera a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll just be a moment." Vera nodded and smiled understandingly, and Meesei and Jerrick were soon promptly walking with a brisk pace towards the larder. Upon leaving the dining hall, Jerrick's smile lowered into a far more serious expression. He gave a glance to Meesei when she asked her question. "I fear the situation is different. We will need to talk where there will be no one to listen." Through the corridors of crops, Jerrick didn't say another word. They came upon the livestock pens and the larder, upon which time Jerrick retrieved a ring of keys from his belt and unlocked the way though. With Meesei in tow, he closed the gate and made his way to the larder itself. It was dry, but much more cold than the rest of the city. Vents could be spotted near the ceiling that were letting in the mountain air and cooling the hanging carcasses and containers of fruits and vegetables. Jerrick even put his hands under his armpits in this place, but at least it wasn't occupied by any other living creature than Meesei and himself. To make sure, he pulled out a scroll from under his belt and channelled its power. It was clearly a spell to detect life. Satisfied, he started explaining to Meesei properly. "Right, I'd best start by thanking you for coming at such an opportune time." Jerrick was having trouble keeping eye contact at this point, but his expression hid less behind diplomacy and manners, "I have to apologise, but what I said in front of my inner circle was not the complete truth. Hircine gave me more information in the vision he gave me, but nonetheless, my clan is still in danger." He took a breath that was either uneasy from the cold, or from the weight of his words, "I'm going to die tonight, Meesei. I don't know how, when exactly, or who by exactly, but I am going to be murdered. I know for a fact that it will be one of my lieutenants. Despite their loyalty, some are power hungry and one has been given the ability to kill me to get my position. What they don't know is that if I am murdered, everyone will point to one another. Factions will form behind each of my friends and this clan will be torn apart. That's what Vile wants, and I cannot allow that to happen." Now Jerrick looked up at Meesei, he spoke with absolute sincerity, but took his time. "I cannot control my death tonight, but I beseech you, champion, to help me. To help us all. You are not what Vile was expecting here, and you need to keep this clan together. You've seen how the people are like, you are respected by all, unlike the lieutenants, who have a tangled web of opinion about them. Not only that, you are a neutral party. You will not be viewed as having bias towards a single lieutenant over another. With this, I need you to do three things: Firstly, find the traitor, bring him or her to justice. Hircine told me it was one of my lieutenants. Secondly, select a new clan leader. Take charge if you have to, but someone who has been with us for longer and know how things work here may be more suited. Thirdly, keep the clan together. Vile wants to splinter us off so we can't organise against him, and so he can hunt down untrained packs with impunity. You have one week until the full moons, if you don't complete those objectives by that time, instinct will mix with suspicion and we will have no chance." Jerrick's eyes looked to the ground again and he leaned against a barrel, "I know this is sudden, and probably not what you were expecting, but you are my only hope at this point. Do you have any questions?" Harriet narrowed her eyes and grinned before she turned and headed to the main chamber. Chanting and shouting, the crowd followed her and Lorag to the main chamber. Some people stayed in the dining room, but it was comparatively relaxed now. The chanting crowd found the main chamber and the lit central dais was cleared for Lorag and Harriet to start stripping down. Harriet's last movement was to unclip her long hair and let it flow down either side of her head. Her stance was squat and primal, her arms spread like she had already transformed. "Remember, to submission! Let's see what you've got, big boy!" She shouted across before her body began to warp and crackle into the shape of a lycan. Impressively, she was about the same size as Lorag, despite being perhaps a little younger. The crowd cheered each of them on, but kept their distance as the two circled each other on all fours.