"I am surrounded by people that can and would stop an assassin at a moments notice if one was spotted, but what you say is true. Anything that would make finding the traitor easier is worth taking the extra step." Jerrick didn't seem very hopeful about saving his life, but at least he was willing to see Meesei's sense. "You may post at least one of your pack near my quarters for tonight. Perhaps it might intimidate the traitor to delay his or her plans until we can track him down. Hircine was certain that I would die, though. I don't want to hold up false hopes." Jerrick looked up at Meesei from his bowed forward face, "Perhaps you might get a head start by talking with my lieutenants tonight? Even knowing that you are keeping an eye on them might make the traitor back down." With Lorag's probing strike, Harriet showed her experience with fighting in this form. She shifted forward enough and moved her arm to check Lorag's slash and attempted to deter him by bringing her other clawed hand up to his chin. If Lorag didn't want his eyes raked out, he would need to step back to where he was and then some. Harriet had tried to take the opportunity to get some ground on Lorag.