[quote=@RomanAria] "I appreciate your concern, but I do have my sling, and now I'm in a place where I can use it." She unwinds her "belt" revealing it to actually be her sling, a four-inch wide net of tightly woven strands of twine, and then a foot-and-a-half long woven cord on either side. She goes fishing in her coin purse then and produces several rounded lumps of metal about half the size of her fist. "I think I've got a better range than you, meaning no disrespect." [/quote] "Heh, don't sweat it. I like your enthusiasm!" He states, a smirk now gracing his face. In truth, he also admired the craftsmanship of her sling and chosen ammunition. Now he was fired up to face the chimera. However, as the chimera finally made its presence known and he had prepared himself to defend the others at all costs, Ven noticed the mysterious figure jump from his post and approach the beast. All the while, he watched in shock as not only the apparent forest fire had vanished, but the chimera itself had been reverted to an adorable little chibi version of itself. Ventus sighed in relief at the sight, letting go of the hilt of his sword as he watched the man, who he now assumed to be the Wizard, turn back, heal the wounds of his companions and open the gates, returning to his home with the chibi chimera in tow.