Oram shook Cronic's hand with no sign of hesitation. "Might I suggest refraining from comparing the personalities of most of everyone around here to those of brick walls. It's kind of an insult to brick walls." He chuckled slightly before he let go and turned to his master. Bravado? Nah... This wasn't the time to question it or his master. He simply gave a somewhat nervous chuckle with a hint of pity aimed towards his master. He knew all to well the man's personality. But... It did seem to be rubbing off on Oram. In some parts. Without much else to say he began to follow after Aria and yai. He was sure Cronic would be along. Though something did get him to thinking. It was Aria's information regarding Nar Shaddaa. "Master? Have I been there?" He asked calmly. He wasn't all too good with remembering names of places. He barely remembered the name of his homeworld. Honestly, he didn't have the most educated upbringing there after all. He'd begun, but with the attack and... He shook his head pushing the thoughts away. He'd get better with names in time. For now as long as he remembered the places themselves and all he'd learned since being brought here by Yai he would be fine. Right?