As Ariella and her team tried to go up the mountain. Something very mysterious and bad happened. Shane transformed into some kind of monster and it started to attack Dimitri and Violet. "Shane...." she said quietly but was worried and very terrified. She forgot about the race and quickly ran towards Shane seeing him collapsing on the ground. "I can't leave him like this." Hopefully the others in her team could do the game without her. Shane had to be taken care of right now. "Shane!" She yelled kneeling down besides him as she shook his body for him to wake up. "Come on, Shane! Get up please!" Ariella looked around hoping that someone could help but it seems that they were all concentrated on their game. Arilla looked back at Shane. "Come on...! Shane! Don't make me blow up the ground next to you and send you flying away!" She wasn't going to do that, ofcourse. But she may slap him in the face.